Memoirs of a Debonair

Sunday, November 19, 2006

what makes the world go round

I realise that firstly, its money, not love that makes the world go round, money will give you the paltform on which to express yourself fully and do all the things that you have always wanted to do. Go to all the places you have always wanted to go and be the person you always wanted to be.

so i guess that i have set my sights on being fabulously wealthy... lol i am not so sure how to go about it though lol


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We are vain people

Why we write.

we write in a endevour to express ourselves, to shed light on our on the issued that we feel society has has neglected or is unaware off. bluntly speaking, we are vain people and we write so that we have someone to listen to our shit.

People by nature love to have somebody listen to them speak. The reason why the internet, blogging and citizen journalism has become so popular is that you don't have to stare the people you are talking to your audience in the face.

Many of us are to shy express our true feeling in public. So we hide behind this persona that we have created for ourselves. when we get on the internet, we hide behind anonymity and we show the true animal that we are.

Given the right audince, anyone can become a net sage, whose opinion is highly valued. deep down inside, everyone loves to feel important

Lifes lessons

It took me a while to understand that there are no easy short cuts to getting to where you want to be. You will stumble along the way and in so doing pick up some valuable life lessons.

Whatever route that you decide to take, you will encounter some challenges. There is no correct path to follow, all roads lead to your eventual death. Some faster than others, but then again there is no way of knowing in advance.

Because of this, there is no right way to live your life. Everything that you do or that happens to you will contribute to building you as a person. Along the way you thus pick some valuable life lessons.

There are some set rules though, some motions that we all have to go through. The most important being growing up...

Sunday, November 12, 2006


life is good. so far i have no complaints, lets see how i will fair..,

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Johannesburg, 04 October 2006
I guess that this memoir marks the beginning of my adult life. This place is beginning to make sense. The weather is fair, the grass is green and the trees are in full bloom. Life is good...

Johannesburg, 30 October 2006

Its been a while since I last updated these memoirs. I have much to report. I was hired then fired from work as a waiter in an Italian restaurant. It was nice when it lasted and i am sorry that it had to end the way that it did. I have moved on and hope to learn from my mistakes.


Today i begin blogging...